10 Langtry View, Mount Claremont, WA 6010 AUSTRALIA | +61417978847

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Passionate about low cost small, smart and latest technology solutions

Intelligently designed low cost underwater solutions

Seatools Pty Ltd was formed in 2002 to provide a consultancy and support service to the underwater industries in Australia, in the form of engineering support to offshore projects, and the design and supply of underwater equipment. Seatools has in-house expertise in the intelligent use of small ROVs and associated equipment to perform inspection, survey and a range of intervention tasks from existing platforms or floating facilities, where this would traditionally be carried out by larger inspection class or work class ROVs deployed from dedicated vessels. This results in significantly reduced mobilisation effort and operating / standby cost. Seatools uses its management expertise to bring together the capabilities of specialist partners, removing interface risks to provide an integrated solution tailored to the client’s desired outcome. Seatools personnel are also experienced in the management of early interface testing and onshore trials to ensure safe and efficient operations.


Address: 10 Langtry View, Mount Claremont, WA 6010 AUSTRALIA

Phone: +61417978847